YHT 10in1 Organic Instant Mushroom Coffee Powder Enhanced Immune Focus Energy Support

¥167.02 - ¥508.48

150 grams 10in1 mushroom powder extract, 100% pure fruiting bodies for highly concentrated extract, enhancing nutrition and focus with every sip
SKU: MRCOFFEE Categorias: , Etiquetas: , , , ,

YHT 10in1 Organic Instant Mushroom Coffee Powder

for Enhanced Immune, Focus and Energy Support

Enjoy Barista Style Coffee in The Comfort of Your Home

The coffee is produced in a craft manner, which means that the roasting process takes place in small batches. Each batch of coffee is roasted individually, resulting in a unique and exceptional product. Our coffee is roasted in a small artisanal roastery where the highest emphasis is placed on the quality of the product.

Health Benefits: Cordyceps boosts energy and stamina, Lion’s Mane supports cognitive function, and Reishi enhances the immune system, all complementing the smooth taste of Arabica coffee.
Instant mushroom coffee with Chaga, Turkey Tail and Shiitake is rich in antioxidants that help boost the immune system, enhance mental clarity, and help the body adapt to stress, providing sustained energy without the jitters
No jitters, amazing taste, incredible benefits, easy digestion

Like Coffee, But More Benefits

Tastes like regular coffee, no mushrooms flavours but works much better than coffee.Only pure natural ingredients; No carriers, fillers, sugar or artificial flavours.Use the power of 10 active extracts and unlock your potential!
Ways to Enjoy Beyond Brew
Informações adicionais
Peso 0.31 kg
Dimensões (C x L x A) 12 × 7 × 7 cm
Net Weight (Gram)


Qty of Pack



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No prazo de 2 dias, procedemos à recolha dos produtos do inventário, ao controlo de qualidade e à embalagem.
O número de rastreio seria libertado e permitiria aos clientes acompanhar a evolução do envio durante o transporte.

Expedição e entrega (todo o mundo)

Envio gratuito aprox. 7-15 dias, Envio normal aprox. 5-12 dias, Serviço rápido aprox. 2-4 dias.
Serviço logístico local aproximadamente 1-7 dias (apoio aos EUA, Grã-Bretanha, Europa e Ásia)


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